What To Expect On An African Safari.

Oh you think you’d like to embark on an African Safari?

Then, it’s a big fat YES from me!

Before you do it though, keep reading to learn about my take on the African Safari and maybe it will give you a better idea if you’d like to experience it or not…

Photograph by Alan Young photography

Here it goes:

An African Safari, or Game drive is the ultimate humbling experience where you typically go on a journey (or you ideally have an experienced ranger with you - highly recommend) in a big vehicle looking for wild animals in their natural habitat.

First of all.

Why is it called a Game drive? This was one of the questions I asked myself early on at my first Safari. Bear in mind my first language is not English…

Initially, I tried to play with the word and I asked myself. Game? What kind of game is this? Who do we ‘play’ with? I was on a mission to find out what it meant because my logic wasn’t really making any sense.

After asking a very kind South African man, he told me that Game is just a word they use (and it has nothing to do with what my brain was referring to) that basically means that you go out in the wild, spotting and observing wild animals and in particular the big 5. Elephants, Lions, Rhinos, Leopards and Buffalo.

Spoiler alert… On my first Safari I saw 4/5 (all minus the Rhinos) and it was one of the best things that happened in my life. I am planning another Safari as we speak to go out and ‘hunt down’ a Rhino.

Another spoiler… it’s not easy to spot all 5. Consider yourself lucky if you see at least 3.

If you were observant enough you might have noticed that I described the experience as humbling earlier.

Let me explain.

Imagine this. You, ideally along with some other silly tourists, are going out in the wild looking for wild animals that could KILL you! Normal? No, not at all. Realising that you are just a few meters away from something that could kill you is definitely a humbling moment. And yes, they can be just meters away from you.

Jokes aside, it’s an amazing thing to realise that humans can be around animals and feel safe and that wild animals and humans can coexist. That being said, before you go out there trying to pet a wild lion, I’d like to also mention that they CAN kill you so there are some rules that you have to follow to make sure that you are safe.

In general, you are safe around most animals because driving on that big vehicle could save you because they see you as something big (for most animals you will be bigger than them) and won’t really see you as a threat. Exceptions exist if course, for example if you decide to stand up and make it obvious that you are a silly tourist trying to take a silly picture which you will regret later but it will be too late. Those animals are described as wild for a good reason. And believe me, we’ve heard stories of children and humans getting OUT of the vehicle. I will let you imagine what happens next.

Also, most rangers will carry guns with them because you never know when their animal instinct will wake up (and I mean the animals instinct if you haven’t guessed). That was reason 473 why it’s a good idea to go with someone experienced on your Game drive.

Another thing that you should know is that you will potentially get bored of seeing Zebras and Antelopes, or else known as the McDonald’s of Africa. Any guesses why they’re called that? You guessed it right, they are EVERYWHERE! But they’re cute and without them other animals wouldn’t exist so we’re grateful for them!

You should also know that whilst on the safari you will come across several other ‘things’ that you never knew existed in real life. Like Zazu for example. Yes, I am talking about the Lion King bird. Going on an African Safari makes Lion King make so much sense. I can guarantee you will see most of the characters and you will want to go back to your childhood where things were easy.

Safari Tip: For the real deal, make sure you play some of the Lion King songs whilst in Africa and I promise you, you won’t regret it!

What’s great on a Safari is that you will discover so many other cool species and creatures. Be prepared to spot spiders, bugs, million different birds, insects, cats, dogs, chameleons. I won’t spoil it any more for you.

A few more thoughts:

  • Make sure to you go with great people because it can make all the difference.

  • Catch the sunset if you can.

  • Plan as many Game drives as you possible. One is NOT enough. It never gets boring. Each drive is an opportunity to spot something new. Day or night.

  • When your eye catches something rare, make sure to let EVERYONE know (without shouting of course). It will be worth it.

  • If you are lucky enough to spot a Leopard, I’d like to tell you to prepare for cuteness overload. They are like big cats.

  • You can actually spot something very rare. It happens. We spotted a white lion which is very rare in the wild nowadays. Just manifest it and it will happen!

  • Also be prepared for witnessing something brutal like animals eating animals to survive. That is rare but you might see bones or dead animals… Maybe something, somewhere up a tree. Fun fact: Leopards do bring their pray up a tree to keep their food safe from other animals. And let me tell you. That is very heavy.

    Finally, I will leave you with this insight:
    One of the things I’ve learnt while in Africa, is that every day is just another shitty day in Africa.

    Just kidding! Africa is such as amazing continent that should be more talked about. The people, food, nature, wildlife, views and everything in between.

And now, start planning your next Safari adventure.

I don’t know about you but Kenya is next on my African Bucket List.


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